In my post about our birds, I mentioned the geese. Little did I know that they would actually be a developing story.
Living right on the creek, in the fall we saw flocks of geese swimming by and as the weather grew colder we would hear their honking as they flew past in their V formation. Only a couple of times would we actually see any of them venture up into our yard, and then there would only be two of them.
Well, lo and behold, once the creek thawed, I started seeing two geese come up into the yard, stroll around, pick at something on the ground, honk a bit, walk over to our neighbours, stroll back our way and then eventually go back into the creek.
They like to "rest" under the pine tree.
It seemed to be on a daily basis (at least until spring delivered this unexpected and unwelcome blast of snow!) and I suggested to my husband Jim that we name them. And after a few minutes he came up with Cy and Helen. I thought they were perfect names - Helen is named after Jim's mother, and Cy is named after my father. He considered it the other way around - after my mother and his father, but then it would have been Edna and Jim...and I am not sure that having another Jim in the family would be the best way to go!
So Cy and Helen they became. They did disappear for a couple of days (I wonder where to?) when we were delivered that frosty, snowy blast of winter but today they were back again! Still snow on the ground, but they came for a visit. I get the feeling that they are looking to nest, and I am sure that if they do, I will have a far more difficult time dealing with nesting geese than I had with the nesting robins in our last home. Geese ar e big and they are mean when they think you are threatening their young!
So I have become quite thankful for the chain link fence that divides our yard ....they don't seem to be interested in flying over it, so hopefully if they choose to nest, it will be on the creek side of the fence!
Cy and Helen's visit today.
See you soon!
Cy and Helen ... that's hysterical that you named your two new feathered friends. It will be fun to see if a family of younguns appear soon. I would agree with you that having a fence between you the Cy's family is great luck. They say fences make good neighbors.
ReplyDeletePlease keep us posted on the potential family ways of Cy & Helen. Are you sure it is Cy and Helen? It could be Helen and Grace or Cy and Herbert? Times, they are a'changin'.
You are quite right Meg - could very well be Cy and Herbert but I don't plan on getting close enough to find out! I will have to wait and see if any "younguns" are produced to prove my assumption.
ReplyDeleteThey were back again today and just stand there looking longlingly at the gate...kind of funny because it seems so dumb that they don't figure out they could just fly over the fence!
I will sure to keep everyone posted of any family updates.