Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bird Update

Hooray!  I saw the first Robin on our yard on Tuesday!  What a lovely sight! 
And birds have started paying attention to the Purple Martin house.  I can't tell through the binoculars if they really are martins, but I am going to think positive!

With some help from a friend, I solved the mystery of the bird I saw in Cuba.  It is a Green Heron! 

And I saw the tulips starting to push through the ground when I was out enjoying the nice weather yesterday.... all good signs for spring!


  1. Well, I haven't seen a robin as yet in Toronto but I have seen a pigeon or two or a hundred but that's no sign of Spring. So, I'll go with your robin and hope his relatives show up soon in my neighborhood.
    You are becoming a real bird watcher. That's cool. Enjoy the fun.

  2. I have seen many more robins since my post so I am sure some are headed your way Meg! When I was younger I used to wonder what was so interesting about birds, and now I am beginning to understand.
    Watch for a post from me soon about two other birds, Cy and Helen.
    Thanks for stopping by Meg!


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